This is to voice your opinion and what you think of the current affairs.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

sorry that the email upset you said Mujahid

Firstly, Omar - I am sorry that the email upset you. I understand that it is natural to defend those we know and associate with; however, I am pleased it provoked a response because it is angry people who change the world. Those who are comfortable and satisfied will never be movers and shakers; they will never lift the Ummah out of the quagmire it currently finds itself in. It is not enough to say someone must do something about our pitiful state; it is time to say I MUST do something about it.
Indeed, we are debating about fiqh, but we must not enter into a situation where all positions are considered correct, that is simply untenable. The guiding principle in this of course, is did the Prophet or his companions do it and what was the practice of the blessed three generations [As-Salaf us-Salih (or briefly: the Salaf) refers to the first and best three generations of Muslims. They are the Companions (Sahabah) of the Prophet (S), their immediate followers (Tabiun), and the followers of the Tabi'in. These were highly praised by the Prophet (S): The best of people is my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them [Bukhari and Muslim]. The term Salaf also applies to the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah after the first three blessed generations who followed their way in belief and practices.] . This is the reference point for all scholarly discussion; those who depart from it are innovators and dissenters.
There are of course methods used to derive rulings, and it isn't the place of ordinary people to do so, hence our recourse to the scholars. Perhaps the South Circular Imam could tell us which scholars he has consulted in deriving such rulings (banning the Eid prayer outdoors, praying two Eid salah indoors, shaking hands with the opposite sex and banning the niqab), bearing in mind the reference point indicated above. In the absence of a governing rule then men are free to invent or say whatever they wish. You are correct that the Shaytan can quote scripture, and they may even speak the truth - based on the authentic narration : Abu Hurayrah was entrusted with the Zakaat revenue of the month of Ramadan. Someone started stealing from it, having been caught, Abu Hurayrah threatened to take him to the Prophet , the thief then said: "I am needy and have many dependents, and I am in great need". On hearing this, Abu Hurayrah released him and let him go, however, he narrated the incident to and told the Prophet, who told him "indeed he told you a lie and he will come again". Again, the man came again, and again he was caught and told the same lie he told at first, and for the third time, on being caught, he told Abu Hurayrah "I will teach you some words with which Allah will benefit you", Abu Hurayrah asked what are they, and the man replied "whenever you go to bed, recite Ayahtul-Kursi and Allah will appoint for you who will stay with you and no Shaytan will come near you till morning". Upon telling the Prophet of this, he said: "He really spoke the truth, although he is [absolutely] a liar. Do you know whom you were talking to, these three nights, O Abu Hurayrah?" Abu Hurairah said, "No." He (sa) said, "It was a Shaytan." (Bukhari). However, know that your statement about the Shaytan equally applies to the Imam of South Circular Mosque and everyone else who quotes scripture.

As for the statement emanating from Gavin, then know that he has given himself over to the devils of Qadian, his opinions matter little in a dialogue amongst Muslims.
Islamophobia and political engagement are extremely important, but that's only part of the picture. When the very institutions that govern us, the maasajid, are despotic hovels powered by nepotism and whim then our challenge is two-fold. Allah says he will not change a people until they change what is in themselves, it's all well and good criticising the government for contemplating the restriction of rights for Muslim women, but when the Patron and chairman of the Muslim school say the same as the kuffar then I say we have a problem within ourselves that must also be rectified.
Muslims have been in Ireland for almost 50yrs and we have just two primary schools, only three purpose-built maasajid, one allocated cemetery space and absolutely NO public representation. This is a disgusting indictment of the indolence and inward focus of those in responsible positions. We have a population of 45,000 but we may as well be 45 for all the good we do. The Jews number no more than a thousand, they have synagogues in Dublin and Cork. They had a whole street ostensibly called Little Jerusalem. They have their own school and a special fund for sending their people off to the Zionist State for training. They have two public representatives and a host of other Zionist friends in the Dail. We truly are like the scum that washes in from the sea. Our youth look and act no different from the kuffar, in nightclubs you'll find Muslim men and women in an inebriated state rubbing shoulders with their kuffar friends and the Imam of the South Circular Mosque has the impudence to state, for all of Ireland to see, that he encourages Muslims to shake hands with members of the opposite sex, may Allah have mercy on us – what next??
It isn't simply a matter of choosing a different mosque Omar, these places have a duty to uphold truth and must be held accountable when they don't. You say leave these matters to those whose business it is to discuss such things, I say there is no one in Ireland of that calibre hence our need to seek the opinions of the scholars. I have, I wonder if the same has been done at South Circular. Nevertheless, this I do know, it is their duty to inform, they have failed to do so – where is the example from the first three generations? Where is the statement from a scholar who uses his reference point of the first three generations? There is no accountability in our masaajid and that must change. If a woman can stand and castigate the Ameer-ul-Mumineen, then by Allah I will challenge an Imam of any mosque. It is time to reinstitute the Sunnah of accountability, those in responsible positions must be made accountable to their flock, if not, why not!

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