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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Burnt out at the end of the academic year?

Stress-out with the recession? Burnt out at the end of the academic year? Need time to unwind after those horrible exams? Sick and tired of concrete jungle city and monotonous university life???? DO YOU WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND REFRESHING??? MY Ireland has the solution...
A Time of Crisis or A Time of hope: Reviving the Islamic spirit
MY Ireland All-Ireland Summer Camp 2009
When? 26-29th June 2009
Where? Killarney, Co. Kerry
For who? Brothers & Sisters [Youth & Students (Secondary school & University)] [Note: strict segregation facilities will be maintained throughout the camp]
Cost? 50 Euro per person (Note: This only covers a fraction of the cost)
Camp Features? International speakers, workshops, sports activities, exhibitions etc
Contacts? Brothers Farrag 0851697730 & Moosa 0877744255, Sisters Fatima 0877530405 & Khaula 0877662452
Let all your friends know! Spread the word via mobile, telephone, email, word of mouth and
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