This is to voice your opinion and what you think of the current affairs.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mr. Mubarak vs. Mr. Obama

Washington Post Editorial

EGYPT'S PARLIAMENTARY election is on Sunday, but already the principal result is known: a step away from political liberalization and genuine democracy. In the weeks before the vote, more than 1,000 political activists have been rounded up by security forces, and many have been abused. Opposition media commentators have been forced off the air, television channels closed and restrictions placed on text messaging. Meanwhile, the government has issued strident statements rejecting the Obama administration's calls for international observers and severely limited the access of domestic monitoring groups.

None of this is particularly surprising, given the apparent determination of 82-year-old President Hosni Mubarak to preserve his autocracy through next year's presidential election and pave the way for his son Gamal to succeed him. But it is of great importance to the United States and its interests in the Middle East. The attempted perpetuation of a Mubarak dynasty risks leaving a key U.S. ally with an illegitimate government that would be vulnerable to nationalist or Islamist opponents. Mr. Mubarak's rude dismissal of what have been gentle U.S. calls for change is making the Obama administration look weak in a region that can be quick to act on such perceptions.

That's why what will matter most is not the results of the vote but how President Obama responds to them. The president and his secretary of state have brought up democracy and human rights in private conversations with Egyptian leaders but shied away from them in public. They have failed to make any connection between Mr. Mubarak's domestic repression and the more than $1 billion in U.S. aid Egypt receives every year, much of it directed to the military. They have not supported efforts in Congress to pass legislation or even nonbinding resolutions linking bilateral relations to political reform.

This week would be an ideal moment to begin changing those policies. Mr. Obama should let Egyptians - and Arabs around the Middle East - know what he thinks about an election in which peaceful opponents are banned or beaten, votes are stolen and observers excluded.

He should end the State Department's practice of allowing Egypt to exercise a veto over which civil society groups receive U.S. aid, and he should encourage Congress to link military funds to human rights, as it has for several democracies that are U.S. allies. Most of all, Mr. Obama should make it clear that he will not be dismissed or pushed around by Arab strongmen. If Mr. Mubarak gets away with it, others will be quick to follow his example.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

إحساس مؤلم..

أن أضيع وقت الصلاة

إحساس مؤلم...
عندما نحفظ الأغاني....ولا نحفظ شيء من كتاب الله

إحساس مؤلم...
عندما يهجر القرآن و يوضع على الرفوف

إحساس مؤلم...
أن يمتلئ ميزان سيئاتي و يخف ميزان حسناتي

إحساس مؤلم...
أن ينتهي الامتحان و تسحب منى ورقة الإجابة وأنا لم اكتب فيها شيئا

إحساس مؤلم...
أن أساعد في نشر الفاحشة لتدمير شباب المسلمين

إحساس مؤلم...
أن نترك أولادنا فريسة للتليفزيون والمسلسلات و الأفلام تبث فيهم القيم الهابطة وتميع الدين في عقولهم

إحساس مؤلم...
عندما يصبح فنان أو لاعب كرة هو قدوتي ولا اعرف شيئا عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

إحساس مؤلم...
عندما نترك أعداء الإسلام يخدعون المرأة المسلمة ويكشفون عوراتها ويغررون بها تحت مسمى التحرر ويجعلونها تكره دينها

إحساس مؤلم....
عندما نهجر سنة النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم

إحساس مؤلم...
عندما يقبل الله تعالى الكثير من عباده ويفتح لهم باب التوبة وارفض أن أرجع إلى الله

إحساس مؤلم...
أن تخلو البيوت من التدين و طاعة الله وان تمتلئ بالخلافات نتيجة للبعد عن الله

إحساس مؤلم....
ألا نربى أولادنا على الدين ونرمى بهم في جهنم ونحن لا ندري

إحساس مؤلم...
أن يضيع عمري ولا اعرف المهمة التي خلقني الله من اجلها

إحساس مؤلم...
ألا يكون هدفنا الأساسي هو إرضاء الله و دخول الجنة

إحساس مؤلم....
أن نركب القطار ولا ندرك أننا حتما سننـزل منه فى محطة ما

إحساس مؤلم...
ألا يكون حب الإسلام و الغيرة على الدين يجرى في دمي وفي عروقي

إحساس مؤلم...
أن يغفرالله و يرحم و يسامح و يعفو ونحن في إصرار على المعصية

إحساس مؤلم.....
أن تنتشرالرشوة و الربا الزنا و أكل المال الحرام بين المسلمين

إحساس مؤلم...
أن ترى اهلك و أصحابك في بعد عن الله ولا تنصحهم

إحساس مؤلم...
أن يموت احد والدي و هوغاضب علي

إحساس مؤلم...
أن يدخل الصالحون الجنة و يتبوأوا أماكنهم ولا أكون معهم

إحساس مؤلم...
أن من يحافظ على دينه أصبح غريبا شاذاً

اللهم أنت ربي لا اله الا انت , خلقتني وأنا عبدك وانا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت , أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت , أبوء لك بنعمتك عليّ , وأبوء بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلاأنت . اللهم إني أسألك حبك وحب من يحبك وحب عمل يقربني الى حبك . اللهم اني أسالك عيشة نقية وميتة سوية ومرد غير مخزى ولا فاضح يا ارحم الراحمين....'
اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات

إحساس مؤلم..
أن أقرأ هذه الرسالة ولا تغير فى شيئاً

إحساس مؤلم..

ان اقرأ هذه الرساله ولا ارسها لاصدقائي للافادة

أرسلها تثب عليها

Monday, November 15, 2010

What is wrong

Bismillah hir Rehmaan nir Raheem.
What is wrong, that I will not obey the One who created me and have to go back to Him?

What is ever so wrong with those who recite the Kalimah of Allegience to Allah, night and noon, yet fail to show it in their deeds? They are not very much true to Allah.

What is the reason that utterly colossal number of Muslims from Indonesia to Morocco, from Australia to the Americas are poised to come together in showing their solidarity in their thanksgiving on the occasion of Eiduladha on Wednesday Nov. 17, 2010?

They will be doing s, because of their total and unquestionable obedience to the commands of Allah.

The commands of Allah for the Ummah of the whole world to come together on Wednesday Nov. 17, 2010 is there to see for all the those who are truly Ulsahdiq and Ulameen i.e. Muslims on the websites: and

Every true Muslim will have no hesitation in showing obedience to Allah.

So why the minority of Muslims who are mainly Arabic speaking, NOT coming to join the Muslims of the whole world on Wednesday on the occasion of Eiduladha?

They are under compulsion of their Malook to disobey Allah on such occasions. There are just too many of such occasions on record. A record sent to me by someone who has bothered to keep the record. The record is very very long. And goes back to decades.

Why some of those people calling themselves Muslims living in Europe and N America are opting to disobey Allah on such an auspicious occasion?

They opt to disobey Allah, for the sake of the “fictitious helal” created by the magicians in Riyadh.

What do those magicians in Riyadh are known, for decades, yes for decades, to be doing?

They produce Helal from under the hat. They do so by using a magical formula i.e. by manipulating the astronomical data available from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London. They manipulate the data according to their agenda. An agenda of defiance of the Shariah.

What did the experts at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London, say about the chances of seeing Zilhejj Helal (crescent) in Arabia or in any country East of the Atlantic Ocean on the evening of Saturday Nov. 6, 2010?

No chance of seeing any Helal anywhere in Arabia or in the vicinity of Arabia or in any country East of the Atlantic Ocean on that day.

Here is what the experts at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London, said about the chances of seeing Zilhejj Helal (crescent) in Arabia on the evening of Saturday Nov. 6, 2010?

The following is an accurate forecast for Makkah. Times are in Standard Time = GMT + 03h 00

Time of Moon at Sunset Time of
Sunset Age of moon Alt El Moonset Lag time Moon status.
Day Date h m h m o o h m m
Sat Nov 6 17 42 9 50 0 7 17 47 5 Not visible.

Sun Nov 7 17 42 33 50 11 19 18 41 59 Readily visible.

So did we not hear from the Officials in Riyadh that the Helal for the month of Zulhejj has been seen there on the evening Saturday Nov. 6, 2010?

So how did they see the Helal? They simply did not see the Helal on that evening but went on to produce Helal from under the hat as they have been doing for decades.

So what do the Shahadah from across the world tell us ? It tells us that Allah has commanded the day assembly at Arafah to be Tuesday Nov. 16, 2010.

Will the Hajees coming from all corners of the world be allowed to perform Hujj in accordance with the commands of Allah?

From the experience of previous so many years, if not every year, the Hajees have been assembled at Arafah on the 8th and chances are that if a miracle did not happen, similar sacrilegious practices will be repeated this year

Who is responsible for such sacrilege? The Malooks and the Muslim Ummah the world over.

Was there any Malik at the time the when first Islamic state was created? No, there was none. So from where did these Malook come in? These Malook came into picture just because the Arab Ummah abandoned the practices of those early Muslims who all joined hands to take responsibility to create and maintain the Islamic state. Such an attitude to become responsible citizens to create the government of no one but Allah, is utterly missing from the thoughts of the Ummah the world over, today. Hence the Malook and Dictators.

What should be done for Hujj to be organised on the right day? It is the duty of every Muslim the world over to raise their voices and it is the duty of the representatives of Islamic countries in Riyadh to organise to go out to search for the Helal in Arabia and by making representation to the Malook to tell them as to what is happening.

What about those people calling themselves Muslims living in Europe and N America who opt to disobey Allah on such an auspicious occasion? They simply opt to reject the command of Allah for the sake of the “fictitious helal” created by the magicians in Riyadh.

The Muslims in general are always seen to be accusing others for creating taferqah among themselves. So the question is that who are the people who in Europe and N America create taferqah among themselves? These are the people who disobey Allah for the sake of the “fictitious helal” created by the magicians in Riyadh. The taferqah between the Arabic speaking and non Arabic speaking Muslims comes, as we all can see, from Riyadh. The reason is the “fictitious helal”.

Let me ask all, that is it not possible that my this letter of warning and Dahwah to all such people who are reading it now, will be produced before them on the day of Judgement by the will of Allah?

Let me put this question to all those expatriates and their off springs living in the Western countries. Why is it that when you were in your old country you would go by what Allah will show in the sky and why is it that since you have come to the West, you have opted to reject what Allah shows in the sky for the sake of “fiction” that you hear from Riyadh? Is it not some sort of double standard in your practice?

By the way am I the only one warning people and inviting fellow Muslims to come to the right path? No. There are just too many people who have been doing so, since decades, since long long before I started doing.

So here is my Dahwah to all such bretheren.

Come to Allah. Obey no one but Allah.

Do not disobey Allah’s command for the sake of the “fictitious helal” created by the magicians of Riyadh. Do not spoil your good deeds for the sake of untrustworthy words of the untrustworthy people in Riyadh.

Do not become instrumental in creating taferqah among your community for the sake of the “fictitious helal” of Riyadh. The taferqah that divides the community, the taferqah that divides the members of one family, the taferqah that divides one brother from another brother, the taferqah that divides parents from children.
Taferqah for what? The taferqah which comes by disobeying Allah for the sake utter and “blatant lies” that come out of Riyadh. There are utterly monumental evidence that the Saudee official announcement of the advent of the current Zulhejj is based upon “blatant lies”. What more, the evidence, the proof is there, for all truth seekers to see.

The Shahadah that we all see is what the Truth is, because this is what Allah has commanded.

Allah has commanded all the Muslims of the whole world to come together in their thanksgiving on the occasion of Eiduladha on Wednesday Nov. 17, 2010?

Millions upon millions, utterly colossal number of Muslims the world over, are indeed coming together in their obedience to Allah on Wednesday Nov. 17, 2010?

Will you not come out to join the million upon million of Muslims of the East and the West in their obedience to the will and command of Allah on this day?

Will you not show your obedience to Allah, in kun toom sahdayqeen? Will you not come to show the effects of the Kalimah you recite in your deeds. Feesabeel Allah.

What is your Kalimah? “There is no one worthy of obedience but Allah”. So will you reject Allah’s command for the sake of “fictitious helal” produced by those magicians in Riyadh? Will you? If you recite the Kalimah then show the effects of Kalimah in your deeds. Those in Riyadh or anywhere else are not worthy of our obedience. Our obedience is reserved for Allah an Allah alone.

Wa mah alainah illul balaghum mobeen.

Your most sincere and truthful well wisher.

S Wasty

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Paris cafe awning saves baby in seven-storey fall

A 15-month-old baby girl survived a fall from a seventh-floor apartment in Paris almost unscathed after bouncing off a cafe awning and into the arms of a passer-by, police said on Tuesday. Skip related content
The infant had been playing unsupervised with her four-year-old sister on Monday when she somehow fell out of the window, a spokesman for local city police said.

A young man saw the baby starting to fall and alerted his father, who raced to get into position, arms outstretched, to catch her after she hit the awning, the daily Le Parisien reported.

"He must have played rugby for years to have developed reflexes like that," a bystander who saw the incident told the paper.

Police said the girl appeared to have no serious injuries and was under observation in a nearby hospital.

The owner of the cafe, located at the foot of the block of flats in the northeast of Paris, said it was a stroke of luck he had decided to leave the awning open that afternoon.

"I usually close it to stop it catching fire as people tend to throw their cigarette butts onto it," he told the television station i-tele.

The police spokesman said the circumstances behind the accident were unclear. "The parents were absent, and it's a bit difficult questioning the two girls, given their age."

(Editing by Catherine Bremer and Kevin Liffey)