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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pack of lies by Geoff

Dear Mujaahid,
A few corrections on your email (if I may speak the truth).

“the belligerent state of Israel” WRONG
Israel is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East where people are treated equally.
It was the Muslim neighbours who STARTED the illegal wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973.
This is because ISLAM demands the killing of all Jews. [Muslim book 41 number 6985]

“a state built on the ashes of the Holocaust” WRONG
The land for Israel was declared on November 2, 1917 in the Balfour Declaration and included Trans Jordan and the current Israel.
In July 1922, the British divided the Palestine Mandate into 2, giving what is now Jordan 78% of the land and Israel only 22% (land to the west of the Jordan river). This partition was formalised in 1946 by the British (see map below).

On November 29, 1947 the UN voted to give the Arabs 20% of the land allocated to Israel, which was only 22% of the original Mandate. (UN Resolution 181)
The Arabs ONLY wanted the total destruction of Israel, so they REJECTED UN Resolution 181 and instead started an “illegal” war against Israel in 1948.

During this ‘illegal war” in 1948, Egypt annexed Gaza, Jordan annexed Judea, Sumaria and East Jerusalem, and Syria annexed the Golan Heights. These annexations were illegal and have never been formally recognised by world nations.
( Israel recaptured this territory in 1967 after the Arabs again started an illegal war).

The Arab states like Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon told Muslims to leave Israel because they were going to destroy it!!! Israel NEVER forced them to leave. They left because they were promised the WHOLE of Israel after it was destroyed. The Muslims LOST the war. (Whose side was God on?)

“over a million Palestinians have been exiled” WRONG
From 1922, hundreds of thousands of Arabs flowed into Israel illegally from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, because living conditions were better. The Arab states REFUSED to allow these people to return. Also, after the illegal war started by Muslims, over 850,000 Jews were expelled from these countries. Egypt had over 400,000 Jews whose properties were taken, businesses taken and bank accounts taken. Where is your rage about this? Does justice ONLY apply to Muslims?

“the Holocaust” THE TRUTH
The Arab Muslims have killed more of their own than the Israelis have (in self-defence).
Because of Muslim hatred for Jews, Palestinians sent their children into Israel on suicide missions.
The wall would NEVER had been built but for the HATRED of the Palestinians.
When Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 under the OSLO agreement, Muslims fired over 10,000 rockets illegally into Israel, leading eventually to “Operation Cast Lead”.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini joined with Hitler in 1941 because they shared a common hatred for Jews.
Al-Husseini also reinvented Jerusalem as a “Holy site” for Islam even though Muslims had ignored it for centuries. Remember that Jerusalem is not mentioned even once in the Quran!

If you want to talk about Holocausts, how about Turkey and the 1.5 million Armenian Christians they slaughtered. Or present day Sudan murdering 2 million Christians in South Sudan and now over 400,000 black Muslims in Dafur?


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