This is to voice your opinion and what you think of the current affairs.

Friday, September 18, 2009

SEVEN EURO per person

As salam wa alaikum,

Like me you've probably received a text message or email from certain mosques here in Ireland informing people that the Zakat-ul-fitr amount this year is SEVEN EURO per person. Has anyone asked why? In the time of the Prophet and those who followed him in righteousness Zakat-ul-fitr was given in the form of food, such as dates, barley etc. Indeed to this date most Muslim countries continue this time honoured Sunnah of the Rasool, so why do these mosques wish to change that? They've already attempted to divide the ummah by employing astronomical calculations over and above the Sunnah, now they wish to implement another innovation. Does this matter? Of course it does, for verily no new matter is brought into this deen except that a sunnah disappears. Ibn Taymiyyah said, "there is no place in the heart for both sunnah and bida'h. The amount of Zakaat ul-Fitr is one saa (two handfuls/kilo/40 grams/4.5 lbs/112 oz/beaker of dates, barley, raisins, cheese, grain of wheat [see Muslim no.2151 & 2154]. Some scholars say any topic of food that is common in a particular region can be given for fitr, so potatoes etc would be acceptable here. Money is NOT an acceptable alternative, no matter what the innovators say.Wasn't there money in the time of the Prophet, did he (may Allah bless him) allow money as zakat-ul-fitr, can the innovators in the Dublin mosques bring their proof? The Prophet said, "Whoever introduces anything in this matter (deen) of ours will have it rejected." [Bukhaaree Vol 3 no. 861. Muslim no.4266, Abu Daawood no.4589] The Prophet was and is the best example to mankind, if he did not use money - why would you?And even if we were to accept this innovation (which we will never do), why pray tell is it SEVEN Euro? One kilo of potatoes does not cost seven Euro, one kilo of rice does not cost seven Euro, so why are the mosques asking for that amount? Even in the UK, those who have taken this bid'ah on board are asking for no more than three pounds, that's THREE EUROS and THIRTY SEVEN CENTS using today's exchange rates. Why are the innovators here asking for more?I urge you all to reconsider what seems to be an acquiescence to bida'h, give your zakat-ul-fitr to the poor in accordance with the sunnah of the rasool - boycott the innovative inroads by those whose hearts have turned from guidance.I would also urge you all to read the attached ebook on the requirement to pray the Eid prayer in the musalla and NOT a mosque. Last year a Dublin mosque piled bida'h upon bida'h, because of there abandonment of the sunnah of praying in an open space (a park, etc) they were forced to hold TWO Eid salahs (may Allah protect us from such people).Please pass this mail on, and halt this descent into the abyss of bida'h and the terrible punishment it entails. SincerelyYour brother in IslamMujaahid Liam Egan

Praying ‘Eid in the
Musallaa is the Sunnah
By Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen
Al-Albaanee [Died: 1419H]
Translated by abu maryam isma’eel alarcon
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
al-ibaanah e-books
© Copyright Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing, USA
Published On-Line for Free Distribution
First Edition: October 2005
Note: This document is an on-line book publication of This book
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About the Book: This book is a complete translation of the booklet Salaat-ul-‘Eidayn
fil-Musallaa hiya as-Sunnah (Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah) of Imaam
Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee, published by Al-Maktab-ul-Islamee (3rd
Edition, 1986).
We present this treatise to our noble readers, in the hopes to convey knowledge of this
lost Sunnah, which is: Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa. Imaam Al-Albaanee, in his own
unique style, discusses this topic in depth providing the evidences and sayings of the
scholars to support his view, all while being brief and concise in his presentation. This is
one of the celebrated works of Imaam Al-Albaanee that reflects his vast knowledge and
high understanding.
We ask Allaah to benefit the Muslims with this book, and to revive this important aspect
of the Sunnah in the lands of the west.
A Publication of
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Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
1. Introduction to the Treatise……………………………………. 4
2. The Prophet’s Perseverance upon Praying ‘Eid in the
Musallaa and the Ahaadeeth reported in that Regard……...
3. The Proofs in the Ahaadeeth that indicate that Praying in
the Musallaa is the Sunnah…………………………………….
4. A Refutation of: Justifying Praying in the Musallaa due to
the Excuse of the Masjid being Small………………………...
5. The Wisdom behind Praying in the Musallaa………………. 23
6. A Misconception and a Reply to It…………………………… 26
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
All praise is for Allaah, alone, and may His Peace and Blessings be on our Prophet
Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance, while
being steadfast upon his way until the Day of Recompense. To Proceed:
This is our treatise for today, and its topic consists of affirming that: “Performing the
Two ‘Eid Prayers in the Musallaa outside the city is the Sunnah.” 1
I had the idea of making this a comprehensive treatise, containing all the rulings for the
two ‘Eid Prayers, similar to my treatise Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh. However, time has
surpassed me such that only several days remain until ‘Eid-ul-Fitr. Due to this, I was
pressed to limit this treatise to just this discussion, which I mentioned above. I hope that
Allaah will enable me in the near future to publish the complete and comprehensive
treatise and to spread it out to the people, whom I hope will gratefully accept my
treatises. And I hope that perhaps I may attain a righteous supplication from them in
private, which will benefit me on:
“The Day when neither one’s wealth nor children will be of avail, except for he
who comes to Allaah with a pure heart.” [Surah Ash-Shu’araa: 88-89]
So know O noble reader: That those authors darkened two large pages in their treatise
Al-Isaabah (pg. 14-15) discussing the subject of “Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa.” In it,
they fell into such shameful contradictions, that it will become clear to the reader “their
share of knowledge!” And they lied on us in that treatise of theirs claiming that we say:
“The ‘Eid Prayer (performed) in the Masaajid is not valid!”
They said: “The reason why the Prophet  chose to perform the ‘Eid Prayer in the
musallaa was due to the lack [as he states]2 of there being sufficient means in
Madeenah, such as that there didn’t exist any masjid in Madeenah except one.”
1 Translator’s Note: The word musallaa here refers to an area of open (flat) land that is apart from the masjid and
outside of the city limits. Although, it is used commonly for any place of prayer that is not a masjid, in this treatise
the word musallaa has been left un-translated to bear the above meaning, in accordance with its understanding
derived from the ahaadeeth of the Prophet, mentioned later on in this treatise.
2 Translator’s Note: The Shaikh’s words that occur in parentheses have been placed in brackets for this translation.
As for the words that appear in parentheses throughout this treatise, then they were added by the translator to
provide a better understanding of the source material.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
This is profound ignorance, since the masaajid in Madeenah during the time of the
Prophet  were many and well known, the most famous of which were Masjid Qubaa,
Masjid Qiblatayn and Masjid Al-Fat’h. There are many authentic ahaadeeth reported
about these masaajid in the books of Sunnah. In Fat’h-ul-Baaree (1/445), Al-Haafidh
(Ibn Hajr) also mentioned other masaajid by name, so whoever wishes can refer to it.
Their intent behind this false claim was to try and seek a way towards negating the
Sunnah of praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa, by fabricating this futile justification, which is:
“That there wasn’t any masjid in Madeenah except for the Prophet’s Masjid.” So
according to this, they claimed that there wasn’t enough room for the Muslims to
perform the ‘Eid Prayer there!
And we have established the falseness of this justification due to the falseness of the
claim from its very foundation. So here we say:
If we assume that the Prophet’s Masjid wasn’t big enough for them, then surely they
would have been able to pray in these other masaajid that existed (at the Prophet’s
time), as the people do today. So their abandoning praying in these masaajid in favor of
praying in the musallaa is a clear proof that the Sunnah is praying in the musallaa and
not in the masjid. So the actual intent has been established and what they desired from
negating (of this Sunnah) has been annulled!
Then they said: “So when the Muslims grew in number, such that it became difficult for
the Muslims to gather in the musallaa, especially in the larger cities such as Damascus,
due to the large amount of prayer attendees, they began to gather together in the
various masaajid in accordance with necessity”!
I say: Look, O noble reader, at this contradicting statement, where they make the
Muslims gathering together in the musallaa something difficult, when in fact it is
something simple and easy. The proof for this is that this act has been practiced in a
majority of the lands, as Imaam An-Nawawee stated in his Sharh (Explanation) of
Saheeh Muslim. His words will be quoted in: “The Proofs in the Ahaadeeth that
indicate that Praying in the Musallaa is the Sunnah.”
This Sunnah has not ceased to be implemented up to this day, by Allaah’s Bounty, in
many of the Muslim lands, such as Damascus, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Hijaaz, Pakistan
and other areas.
Furthermore, what “necessity” is there in splitting up the unified body (Jamaa’ah) of
Muslims into these various masaajid, whether big or small, which are established in
every place (?) and some of which are so close to one another that at times there can
only be found between two of them the distance of fifty feet or less!
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
If these authors had restricted their words to just mean that they began to gather
together to pray in the one large (central) masjid (and not various masaajid), they would
have had some Salaf (i.e. scholars of the past) that held this view before them, as will
be mentioned later about Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee, may Allaah have mercy on him.
However, they feel no hesitancy in saying something that no Muslim before them ever
said, all for the sake of waging war against the Sunnah! And if this is not so, then the
Muslims all unanimously agree that performing the ‘Eid Prayer in the musallaa is the
Sunnah, if there is not sufficient space for them in the masjid. Furthermore, a majority of
them did not accept this condition and instead said: “Even if there is sufficient space in
the masjid.” So, out of their ignorance, they have opposed all of the Muslims – those of
the past (Salaf) and those of the present (Khalaf). And Allaah, the Most High, says:
“And whoever contradicts the Messenger after the guidance has been made clear
to him, and follows a way other than the Way of the Believers, We will turn him to
what he has chosen and land him in Hell – what an evil destination.” [Surah An-
Nisaa: 115] So stick to the Sunnah, O people!
They went on to say: “…they then began to gather together in the various masaajid
according to necessity, based on the action of the Prophet  when he prayed in the
masjid due to difficulty (i.e. an excuse).”
And in their notes, they mentioned the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah, in which the Prophet 
prayed in the masjid due to the excuse of rain.
The response to this is that the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah – if it is authentic – serves as a
proof for us because what is understood from it is that if it weren’t for the excuse of rain,
he  would have prayed in the musallaa. No other Muslim apart from you opposes this,
for all of your previously mentioned words indicate that you hold the view that praying in
the musallaa is not legislated nowadays, since it is difficult, as you claim! And we have
replied to you, so the hadeeth goes back as a proof against you and not for you. And all
of this is said assuming that the hadeeth is authentic. However, it is not authentic. On
the contrary its chain of narration is weak, as we will explain later.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
The rest of their words are mere foolishness and do not deserve to be replied to, except
for the statement they made after first listing the following hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed and
then that of Abu Hurairah: “So we derive from these two ahaadeeth that the prayer is
valid in the musallaa as well as in the masjid and that there is reward in both of them.
Likewise, it is derived from the first hadeeth that it is better to pray it (i.e. the ‘Eid Prayer)
in an open area of land, due to the Prophet’s constantly doing that.”
I say: So look at them, O noble reader, how they returned to the correct view that we
are calling to. So by saying this, they have joined us in contradicting their previous
words. But do you think that they settled upon this view? No, rather they go back to the
same view that they began with, for after quoting from Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr, the
statement of Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee, which will be mentioned later, they went on to say:
“So whoever pays careful attention to what has been stated previously along with the
hadeeth of Al-Bukhaaree3 from Umm ‘Atiyyah that: ‘Allaah’s Messenger 
commanded us to bring out the women for (the ‘Eids of) Fitr and Adhaa – the
young girls, the menstruating women and those females who conceal themselves
at home. As for the menstruating women, then they would refrain from the
In one wording (of the hadeeth): ‘…they would refrain from the musallaa, but they
would witness the good and the supplication of the Muslims.’
He will come to realize that the reason the Prophet  persevered on praying in the
musallaa was due to the fact that: The Prophet’s masjid was not spacious enough to
hold the men and women for those two days or due to the fact that it is not correct for
the menstruating women to attend the masjid.”
I say: We have reflected upon all of these words and found that they are baseless just
like the rest of their words!
So let’s say if we were to agree with them that the Prophet’s masjid was not big enough
for the men and women, then this is the same case with our present-day masaajid in
that not one of them is capable of holding all of those intending prayer. So what remains
valid is the legality of going out to perform the prayer in the musallaa. This is the
required outcome (from that argument).
Furthermore, if according to them it is not correct for the menstruating women to attend
the masjid, then this is an acknowledgement on their part that it is correct for them to
attend the musallaa. So when they require that the ’Eid Prayer be performed in the
3 I say: His attributing it to Al-Bukhaaree with the following wording is erroneous. Rather, it is only this way in
Saheeh Muslim (3/20-21; Istanbul copy)
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
masaajid, then this means that they are preventing these (menstruating) women from
“witnessing the good and the supplication of the Muslims!”
This is contrary to the command of Allaah’s Messenger  found in the hadeeth, which
they attributed to Al-Bukhaaree, for the hadeeth is one of our proofs that indicate that
the ‘Eid Prayer should be held in the musallaa and not in the masjid. This is because
the masjid, no matter how big it is, is incapable of accommodating the attendance of all
of the men and women in it, according to their own acknowledgement.
And from our proofs against them is their statement: “And the women would go out to
the musallaa – even the menstruating women – to participate in the takbeer.”
So we must ask them: “How is it possible for you to implement this Sunnah in the
masaajid?! There is no way for you to do this unless you unrestrictedly prevent the
(menstruating) women from attending.” And this is in opposition to the order of Allaah’s
Messenger  as has been stated previously. And in the case that you do order them to
attend but to stay outside of the masjid behind its walls and fences, then how will they
be able to participate in the takbeer under these circumstances?!
So look, O noble Muslim brother, at what ignorance can due to the one who has it, and
take heed!
Important Note: It has become clear from what we quoted from these authors that they
hold that it is legislated for the women to go out to the musallaa, even if they are young
girls, for they are what are referred to (in the hadeeth) as the ‘awaatiq. So remember
this, for perhaps there will come a day when these authors will begin to reject what they
acknowledged previously, when they see the supporters of the Sunnah acting upon this,
out of envy and hatred deeply rooted within themselves!
Even though we encourage the women to attend the Jamaa’ah (gathering) of the
Muslims, carrying out the order of Allaah’s Messenger , we must not forget to direct
their attention, as well as the attention of their male guardians, to the obligation of
women abiding by the legislated Hijaab.
And this entails the impermissibility for them to expose any part of their bodies except
their hands and faces, according to what I explained in detail in my book “The Muslim
Woman’s Hijaab according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah.” Allaah, Blessed and
Exalted, says:
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
“O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters, and the believing women to place
their jilbaabs upon themselves. That is better that they may be known so as not to
be molested. And Allaah is the Most Forgiving, Bestower of Mercy.” [Surah Al-
Ahzaab: 59]
In spite of this, we must clearly state here that it is better for them to also cover these
two areas (of the face and hands), contrary to what has been attributed to me by some
authors who do not fear the Lord of the Worlds!
Some people are shocked with the view that it is legislated for the women to go out to
the musallaa for the two ‘Eid Prayers. So let them know that: This is the truth of which
there is no doubt, due to the many ahaadeeth reported in that regard. Sufficient for us
here is the afore-mentioned hadeeth of Umm ‘Atiyyah, for it is not only a proof for its
legality, but rather it is a proof for it’s being obligated upon them, based on Allaah’s
Messenger  commanding it. This is since the foundation with regard to an order from
the Prophet is that the matter becomes obligatory.
And what further supports this is what has been reported by Ibn Abee Shaybah in al-
Musannaf (2/184) from Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq  that he said: “It is a duty upon every
female possessing a girth [which resembles a garment with a waistband] (i.e. a female)
to come out to the two ‘Eid Prayers.” Its chain of narration is authentic
So do those who claim to support the rightly-guided Khaleefahs hold this view, when the
first amongst them (i.e. Abu Bakr) held it, as you have just seen with its reference and
authentication? That is what we do not think about them (i.e. that they do not hold this
view). So let them prove these thoughts of ours wrong – and that is what would be more
beloved to us. And if not, then their intention behind their alleged “support” will become
clear to the people.
The view that it is obligatory is what As-San’aanee has demonstrated in (his book)
Subul-us-Salaam, as well as Ash-Shawkaanee and Sideeq (Hasan) Khaan. And this is
the view that is apparent from the words of Ibn Hazm. It also looks as if Ibn Taimiyyah
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
inclined toward this view in his Ikhtiyaaraat, and Allaah knows best. [The First: pg. 9-
So in summary, we say: Indeed the Sunnah is to perform the ‘Eid Prayer in the
musallaa. In spite of this, it is permissible to perform it in the masaajid. I promised there
(i.e. his book Tasdeed-ul-Isaabah) that I would affirm this view in this treatise.
So now the time has come to fulfill this promise, so I say:
4 This is his treatise “Min Tasdeed-il-Isaabah ilaa man za’ama Nusrat-al-Khulafaa-ir-Raashideen was-Sahaabah.”
[Zuhair] Translator’s Note: All footnotes in the treatise are from the words of Imaam Al-Albaanee. Some footnotes
have also been added by Zuhair Shawaish, and we have annotated them by putting them in brackets (i.e. [Zuhair]).
However the readers must know that Imaam Al-Albaanee stopped publishing books with this man, in his latter days,
due to some of his works being printed and tampered with without his permission. And Allaah knows best.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
More than one of the trustworthy scholars of Hadeeth have stated that: “The Prophet’s
guidance with regard to performing the two ‘Eid Prayers was that he would always do
them in the musallaa.” 5
This is supported by the many ahaadeeth that have been reported in this regard in the
two Saheehs, the Sunan collections, the Musnad collections and other sources through
many paths of narration. We must mention some of these ahaadeeth in this short
treatise so that the correct view that I stated before will become clear to the noble
reader. So I say:
The First Hadeeth: From Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree  who said:
“Allaah’s Messenger  would go out on the Day of Fitr and Adhaa to the musallaa.6 The
first thing he would begin with would be the prayer. Then he would finish, and stand up
facing the people while they were sitting in rows. And so he would admonish them,
advise them and order them. So if he wanted an army band to go out, he would
dispatch them,7 and if he wanted to order something, he would order it. Then he would
finish. And the people would continue doing this (after him).”
Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (2/259-260), Muslim (3/20), An-Nasaa’ee (1/234), Al-
Muhaamilee in Kitaab-ul-‘Eidayn (vol. 2, no. 86, from my manuscript with my
handwriting), Abu Nu’aim in his Mustakhraj (2/10/2), and Al-Bayhaqee in his Sunan
The Second Hadeeth: From ‘Abdullaah bin ’Umar  who said:
“He  would set out for the musallaa on the Day of ‘Eid while carrying a spear
(‘anazah)8 in front of him. So when he would reach the musallaa, he would prop it in
5 See Zaad al-Ma’aad (1/172) and Fat’h-ul-Baaree (2/361) of Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr, whose words on this subject
will be mentioned later. Also refer to the abridged version of Zaad al-Ma’aad of Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-
Wahhaab (pg. 44).
6 Al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajr) said: “It is a well known place in Madeenah. There is about one thousand cubits between it
and the door of the masjid.” I say: It appears that it was to the east of the Prophet’s Masjid, close to al-Baqee’
cemetery, as can be derived from the Third Hadeeth mentioned later.
7 This means: A group out of the army would go out to some destination (See al-Fat’h). I say: There is a strong
indication in this that the ‘Eid Khutbah is not limited to admonishing and counseling only. Rather, it also includes
reminding and instructing towards all of those things by which one can achieve benefit for the ummah.
8 In an-Nihaayah it states: The ‘anazah is about half the size of the javelin and a bigger object. It has teeth (points)
just like that on a javelin. The staffed spear is closes to it in resemblance.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
front of him and pray towards it (i.e. using it as a sutrah). This is since the musallaa
would be a vast empty area, which had nothing in it to screen oneself with.”
Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (1/354), Muslim (2/55), Abu Dawood (1/109), An-Nasaa’ee
(1/232), Ibn Maajah (1/392) and Ahmad (no. 6286). The wording here is from Ibn
Maajah, which has the most complete (wording), and its chain of narration is authentic.
It has also been reported by Al-Muhaamilee (2/no. 26-36), Abul-Qaasim Ash-
Shahaamee in Tuhfat-ul-‘Eid (no. 14-16, of my manuscript with my son’s handwriting),
and Al-Bayhaqee (3/284-285).
The Third Hadeeth: From Al-Baraa bin ‘Aazib  who said:
“The Prophet  went out on the Day of Adhaa to Al-Baqee’ 9 [and in another narration:
to the musallaa] and prayed two rak’aat. Then he turned and faced us and said: ‘Verily,
the first of our nusuk10 on this day of ours is that we begin by praying, then return
and perform the sacrifice. So whoever does this, then he has agreed with our
Sunnah. And whoever slaughters (his sacrifice) before that (i.e. the prayer), then
it is only something he has put forth (in advance) for his family, it is not from the
nusuk at all.’”
Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (2.372), and the wording is from him. Ahmad (4/282), and Al-
Muhaamilee (2/no. 90 and 96) also reported it. The “other narration” mentioned above
belongs to them (i.e. Ahmad and Al-Muhaamilee) with a sound chain of narration.
The Fourth Hadeeth: From Ibn ‘Abbaas, it was said to him: “Did you witness the ‘Eid
Prayer with the Prophet ?” He replied: “Yes. And if it were not for my place along with
the children, I would not have witnessed it. I (was there) to the point when he reached
the landmark by the home of Katheer bin as-Salt.11 So there, he prayed and then gave
the sermon. Then he went to the women with Bilaal next to him and admonished them
and ordered them to give charity.12 So I saw the women throwing their hands down and
9 This is Baqee’ al-Gharqad. It was given this name due to the thorny tree trunks found in it. It is the cemetery of
Madeenah. Although there are many other cemeteries besides al-Baqee’ in Madeenah, however this is the most
famous out of all of them.
10 Nusuk means Obedience and Worship; See an-Nihaayah.
11 Al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajr) said: “Identifying the musallaa by it being near the home of Katheer bin as-Salt is a way of
approximating its distance for the one hearing. And if this is not so, then the home of Katheer bin as-Salt was newly
introduced after the death of the Prophet. What is clear from this hadeeth is that they made the musallaa something
they could identify. This is what is meant by the word landmark (‘alam), which means “something specific.”
12 As for now, then there should be no adhering to the specified admonition for women because they are the twins of
men, and the speech and the admonition is one for both the men and the women. This is also due to the presence of
the numerous loudspeakers found in every masjid and central mosque, which are normally brought out to the places
of prayer for ‘Eid.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
Al-Ibaanah E-Books
tossing it (i.e. their jewelry) into Bilaal’s garment with their hands. Then he and Bilaal
would depart to his house.”
Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (2/373) and the wording is from him, Muslim (2/18-19), Ibn
Abee Shaybah (2/3/2), Al-Muhaamilee (no. 38-39), Al-Firyaabee (no. 85 and 93) and
Abu Nu’aim in his Mustakhraj (2/8/2-9/1). In his narration, Muslim added the saying of
Ibn Juraij:
“I said to ‘Ataa: ‘Is it a duty upon the Imaam nowadays to go to the women after
finishing (the khutbah) and admonish them separately?’ He said: ‘By Allaah, indeed that
is a duty binding upon them. What is wrong with them that they don’t do that?!’”
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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When you come to realize these ahaadeeth, then (know that) they are a clear proof that
the Sunnah regarding the two ‘Eid Prayers is that they be performed in the musallaa. A
majority of the scholars held this view, as is stated in Sharh-us-Sunnah of Imaam Al-
“The Sunnah is for the Imaam to go out for the two ‘Eid Prayers, unless there is an
excuse (for not going out). In that case, he may pray in the masjid.”13 He means by this
a masjid inside of the city.
Imaam Muhiyy-ud-Deen An-Nawawee said in his Explanation of Saheeh Muslim, while
speaking about the First Hadeeth:
“This is proof for the one who holds the view that it is recommended to go out for the
‘Eid Prayer in the musallaa, and that it is better than praying it in the masjid. This is what
the people are practicing in a majority of the lands. As for the people of Makkah, they do
not pray it except in the masjid since the very first era. Our companions (i.e. the
Shaafi’ee scholars) have two views in this regard:
The First: Praying it in an open area is better, based on this hadeeth.
The Second: Which is the most correct according to most of them, is that praying it in
the masjid is better, however it is not ample enough.
They said: ‘The People of Makkah only prayed (‘Eid) in the masjid due to its ampleness
(in that land). And the Prophet  only went out to the musallaa due to the
constrictedness of the (Prophet’s) masjid.’ So this indicates that (praying ‘Eid in) the
masjid is better if it is wide and ample enough.” 14
13 This is similar to what Shaikh ‘Alee Al-Qaaree said in al-Mirqaat (2/245). See also Sharh-us-Sunnah (4/294)
printed by Al-Maktab Al-Islaamee.
14 In fact, a majority of them said the reason for it was because Makkah, may Allaah honor it, was placed between
the mountains. Consequently, there cannot be found an open plain close to the homes, as close as the open flatland
of the Holy House. This is one view that is acceptable.
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This is what they stated, but there is obvious speculation concerning it, for if the matter
were as they claim it to be, the Prophet  would not have incited that it be performed in
the musallaa. This is since he would not encourage something unless it was more
The view that the Prophet  only did that (i.e. pray ‘Eid in the musallaa) because the
masjid wasn’t ample enough is a claim that has no proof for it. What supports this is the
fact that the Prophet  would pray Jumu’ah in the masjid. And the people would come
from the outskirts of Madeenah and other areas, and he  would lead them in prayer in
it (i.e. the Prophet’s masjid). There were no signs of any difference between the number
of Sahaabah that attended the Jumu’ah Prayer and those that attended the ‘Eid
Prayers, such that it can be said: “The masjid would be ample enough for these
attendees but not for those.” And whoever claims something contrary to this then he
must bring proof. But I can’t imagine that he will be able to!
What further supports what we have stated above is that: If praying the two ‘Eids in the
masjid were better than praying them in the musallaa, but the masjid was too small, the
Prophet  would have taken the necessary steps to expand it, just as some of the
Khaleefahs after him did, for he has more right to expand it than them. So if the masjid
wasn’t ample enough for it, but yet the Prophet  left off expanding it, it is not possible
to imagine this (i.e. that the masjid wasn’t ample enough), along with the view that
praying in the masjid is superior to the musallaa. This is unless someone claims that
there was something that prevented him from expanding it. But I don’t think a person of
knowledge would have the nerve to make such a claim. And if any of them does do it,
then we present to them the statement of Allaah, Blessed and Exalted:
“Say: Bring forth your proof if you are truthful.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 111]
What is strange is that the Shaafi’ee scholars have made the Prophet’s consistency in
praying Jumu’ah in the (one) same masjid a proof that it is not permissible to have
numerous Jumu’ah congregations in the (one) same city! But yet they don’t make his 
encouraging that the ‘Eid Prayers be performed in the musallaa a proof that it is more
virtuous to pray it in the musallaa than in the masjid (!), when the proof for these two
issues is one, as you have seen!
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All of this supports the first of the two opinions that Imaam An-Nawawee
(rahimahullaah) mentioned as being from the madh-hab of the Shaafi’ee scholars.
Nevertheless, the difference between these two views is formal and not practical with
regard to the example of the city of Damascus and other large cities, since the second
opinion asserts that it is better to pray in masjid on the condition that it is ample enough
to accommodate all of the attendees. However, the likes of this masjid does not exist.
So in this case, the two views agree with one another, as is the madh-hab of the
majority of the scholars – that it is more virtuous to pray (‘Eid) in the musallaa. It has
been reported from Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee (rahimahullaah) that he detested praying
(‘Eid) in the masjid during the state where it is not ample enough, as will be mentioned
Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr Al-‘Asqalaanee said in al-Fat’h (2/450 of As-Salafiyah Printing)
under the First Hadeeth:
“This hadeeth is used as proof for the preference of going out to the open field to
perform the ‘Eid Prayer, and that this is better than praying it in the masjid due to the
Prophet’s encouraging it, in spite of the virtue (i.e. reward) of praying in his  masjid.
Ash-Shaafi’ee said in Al-Umm: ‘It has been conveyed to us that Allaah’s Messenger
would go out for the two ‘Eid prayers to the musallaa in Madeenah. And this was done
by those who came after him, unless there was an excuse to not do it, such as rain and
so on. This was the case for the people of all the countries except for the inhabitants of
Then he indicated that the reason for this was due to the masjid (Al-Haraam) being
ample and wide enough for the attendees, along with the fact that the borders of
Makkah were constricted. He went on to say:
‘But if the city is populated and the masjid is able to fit the people of this city during the
days of ‘Eid, I do not hold that they should go out from it (i.e. the city). But if it is not
large enough to accommodate them, then I detest that the (‘Eid) Prayer be performed in
it. However, they do not have to repeat their prayer.’ 15
The result of this is that the Reason revolves around the fact of the masjid being either
big or small, not due to the state of going out to the open area of land. This is since
what is desired is to achieve the general unity of the masses. So if this can be achieved
in the masjid, along with it’s superiority, then that takes more precedence.”
15 Al-Umm (1/207); The text of his words will be mentioned later.
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Imaam Ash-Shawkaanee commented on this saying (3/248): “In this is proof that the
reason being either that the masjid was too small or too big, is just an estimation, and it
doesn’t show support that one can be excused from following the example he  set in
going out to the jabbaanah (cemetery/open area), especially after acknowledging the
fact that he  encouraged this.
As for establishing a proof that this was the reason why he  performed the prayer in
the masjid of Makkah, then this can be responded to by saying that it is possible he left
off going out to the jabbaanah16 due to the narrow borders of Makkah and not due to the
ampleness of its masjid.”
I say: This probability that Imaam Ash-Shawkaanee mentioned is the same thing that
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee indicated, in what Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr quoted from him previously.
Here is the text of Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee’s words from Al-Umm (1/207):
“I only say this because there was (this ampleness in the masjid), and they did not have
this vast ampleness in the outskirts of their homes in Makkah.”
This supports the view that Ash-Shawkaanee (rahimahullaah) took, which is that
justifying the Prophet’s not praying in the masjid because it was not big enough is just a
matter of estimation, so it deserves to be rejected!
What can be used as proof for this “Reason” is the hadeeth reported by Al-Bayhaqee in
As-Sunan-ul-Kubraa (3/310) from the path of Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-‘Azeez bin ‘Abdir-
Rahmaan from ‘Uthmaan bin ‘Abdir-Rahmaan At-Taymee who said:
“It rained severely on us one day during Abaan bin ‘Uthmaan’s rule over Madeenah –
on the night of Al-Fitr.17 So the people gathered together in the masjid (and prayed
there), and they didn’t go out to the musallaa, in which the ‘Eids of Fitr and Adhaa used
to be prayed in.
Then he (Abaan) said to ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Aamir bin Rabee’ah: ‘Rise and inform the
people what you have told me.’ So ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Aamir said: ‘Verily, the people were
faced with rain during the time of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab , so the people refrained from
the musallaa. So ‘Umar gathered the people in the masjid and led them in prayer. Then
he rose upon the mimbar and said: O people! Indeed Allaah’s Messenger  would go
out with the people to the musallaa and lead them there in prayer. This was because it
was easier on them and more ample for them. And the masjid would not be big enough
16 The word Al-Jabbaanah refers first and foremost to an open area of land. Furthermore, it is restricted to mean the
cemeteries because they can be found in it. This is from the aspect of naming something due to its location. The
same goes for Al-Jabbaan. [Zuhair].
17 Translator’s Note: He means by this the night before the day of ‘Eid, and Allaah knows best.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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to fit them.’ Then he said: ‘But if there occurs the likes of this rain, then (praying it in) the
masjid is easier.’”
The Response is: This report is very weak because this Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-‘Azeez,
who is Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-‘Azeez bin ‘Umar bin ‘Abdir-Rahmaan bin ‘Awf, the Judge,
Imaam Al-Bukhaaree said about him: “His hadeeth are rejected” and An-Nasaa’ee said
of him: “Matrook (to be abandoned).”
Ash-Shaafi’ee reported this narration in al-Umm (1/207) through another path of
narration on the authority of Abaan, apart from the marfoo’ hadeeth. However, its chain
is also very weak because it is from the reports of Ibraheem, the shaikh (teacher) of
Ash-Shaafi’ee, who was Ibraaheem bin Muhammad bin Abee Yahyaa Al-Aslamee, and
he was a liar. Maalik said about him that he was neither reliable in Hadeeth nor in his
Religion. This is why Al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajr) said about him in at-Taqreeb: “He is matrook
(to be abandoned).”
So it is confirmed by what was mentioned previously that the justification that the masjid
was small is a false claim. And it strengthens the statements of the scholars, who firmly
asserted that praying in the musallaa is the Sunnah, and that it is legislated in every era
and land unless there is an emergency. I do not know of anyone amongst the
distinguished scholars, whose knowledge is relied on, that opposed this.
Ibn Hazm said in al-Muhallaa (5/81): “And the Sunnah for the ‘Eid Prayer is that: The
people of each town or city go out to an open area of land in the proximity of their
homes, in the forenoon.”
Then he said (5/86): “And if they have difficulty in going out to the musallaa, then they
may pray in congregation in the central mosque.”
Then he said (5/87): “It has been reported to us from ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan, may Allaah
be pleased with them, that: They led the people in ‘Eid Prayer in the masjid due to rain
that occurred on the Day of ‘Eid. However, the Messenger of Allaah  would go out to
the musallaa to perform the ‘Eid Prayers, so this is better. But doing other than it is
permitted because it was an action on his part and not a command. And with Allaah lies
the success.”
The noble instructor, Shaikh Ahmad Muhammad Shaakir, the well known Muhaddith,
has a very beneficial treatise discussing Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa and the Women
going out to it. I felt it proper to quote some of it here due to the benefits found in it. He
(rahimahullaah) said in his notes to At-Tirmidhee (2/421-424) after alluding to the First
Hadeeth and mentioning what Ibn Juraij said to ‘Ataa, which we mentioned previously
under the Fourth Hadeeth: “Is it a duty upon the Imaam nowadays to go to the women
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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after finishing (the khutbah) and admonish them separately’, and his reply: ‘By Allaah,
indeed that is a duty binding upon them.” Shaikh Ahmad Shaakir said: “The statements
of the scholars are many in this regard.”
Thus, the great scholar Al-‘Aynee Al-Hanafee said in his Explanation to Saheeh Al-
Bukhaaree while expounding on the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed (6/280-281): ‘In this is proof
for going out to the musallaa and that one should not pray in the masjid, unless there is
a necessity forcing him to do so.’”
And Ibn Ziyaad reported from Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah), that he said: “The Sunnah
is to go out to the Jabbaanah, except for the people of Makkah, for they do it in the
And in the book al-Fatawaa al-Hindiyyah (vol. 1, pg. 118), it states: “Going out to the
Jabbaanah for the ‘Eid Prayer is Sunnah, even if the central mosque is large enough to
accommodate the people. This is what the mashaayikh are upon and it is the correct
And it is stated in al-Mudawwanah, which is reported from Maalik (vol. 1, pg. 171) that
Imaam Maalik said: “One should not pray the two ‘Eids in two locations, and the people
should not pray in their masjid. Rather, they should go out just as the Prophet  used
to. Ibn Wahb reported from Yoonus from bin hihaab that he said: ‘Allaah’s Messenger
would go out to the musallaa, then the Ansaar (i.e. inhabitants of Madeenah)
would follow this practice after him.’”
Ibn Qudaamah Al-Hanbalee said in al-Mughnee (vol. 2, pg. 229-230): “The Sunnah is to
pray ‘Eid in the musallaa. This is what ‘Alee  ordered and the view that Al-Awzaa’ee
and the people of Opinion (rayy) favored. This is also the view of Ibn Al-Mundhir. It is
related from Ash-Shaafi’ee that he said: ‘If the masjid in the city is ample enough, then
praying in it is better, because it is the best and purest of locations. This is why the
people of Makkah pray in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam.’
And we have been informed that the Prophet  would go out to the musallaa and
abandon praying in his masjid. This is also what the Khaleefahs did after him. The
Prophet  did not abandon choosing the ‘better option’ (i.e. masjid) even with its
closeness nor did he opt for the ‘lesser of the two’ (i.e. musallaa) along with its
remoteness. Nor did he legislate for his ummah to leave off what was more preferable.
And we have been commanded to follow the Prophet and to take his example. So it is
not possible that the thing that we are commanded to do be the less preferable one,
whilst that which we were forbidden from be the better choice. So it is not reported on
the Prophet  that he ever prayed ‘Eid in his masjid, unless it was due to some excuse
(i.e. difficulty). And because all of this is unanimously agreed upon by the scholars, the
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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people in every generation and in every area practiced going out to the musallaa. So
they pray ‘Eid in the musallaa regardless of whether the masjid is large or small. And
the Prophet  would pray in the musallaa in spite of the virtue of praying in his masjid.”
I say: In Ibn Qudaamah’s statement “It is not reported on the Prophet  that he ever
prayed ‘Eid in his masjid, unless it was due to some excuse (i.e. difficulty)”, he is
indicating the following hadeeth of Abu Hurairah  in Al-Mustadrak of Al-Haakim (vol. 1,
pg. 295): “And rain befell them on the Day of ‘Eid so the Prophet led them in
prayer in the masjid.”
He (i.e. Al-Haakim) and Adh-Dhahabee authenticated it. 18
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee said in his book al-Umm (1/207): “It has been conveyed to us that
Allaah’s Messenger  would go out for the two ‘Eid Prayers to the musallaa in
Madeenah. And the same was done by those after him and the masses of the
inhabitants of each city, except for Makkah, for it has not reached us that any of the
Salaf would lead the people (of Makkah) in ‘Eid Prayer except in their masjid (i.e. Al-
Masjid Al-Haraam). I love (i.e. prefer) this, and Allaah knows best, because Al-Masjid
Al-Haraam is the best place on earth. So the people there did not love that there be a
prayer except that they performed it in there, as much as they were able to. I only say
this, because there was (this ampleness in the masjid), and they didn’t have this same
wide ampleness in the outskirts of the homes in Makkah. And I do not know of them
performing any ‘Eid or Istisqaa Prayer except that it was held in it (i.e. Al-Masjid Al-
Haraam). So if the city is populated and the masjid is able to fit the people of this city
during the days of ‘Eid, I do not hold that they should go out from it (i.e. the masjid). But
if they go outside from it, then there is no harm in this.
18 There is obvious speculation to this authentication, because according to Al-Haakim the extent that it reaches is:
‘Eesaa bin ‘Abdil-A’alaa bin Abee Farwah heard from Abu Yahyaa ‘Ubaydillaah At-Taymee that he narrated it
from Abu Hurairah. It was also reported this way by Abu Dawood (1/180), Ibn Maajah (1/394) and Al-Bayhaqee
(3/210). This chain of narration is weak, since this ‘Eesaa is unknown (majhool), as has been stated by Al-Haafidh
in At-Taqreeb. The same goes for his shaikh (teacher), Abu Yahyaa, who is ‘Ubaydullaah bin ‘Abdillaah bin
Muwahhab. He is unknown. Adh-Dhahabee said in his abridgement of Sunan Al-Bayhaqee (1/160/1): “I say
‘Ubaydullaah is weak.” And in his biography of Ar-Raazee in Al-Meezaan, he (Adh-Dhahabee) said: “He barely
knew, and this is a rejected hadeeth.”
I say: So his agreeing with Al-Haakim in his authentication of this hadeeth in (his book) Talkhees-ul-Mustadrak is
from the many errors he committed in it, which we hope will be pardoned! This is why Al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajr)
asserted in his Talkhees-ul-Habeer (pg. 144) and also in his Buloogh-ul-Maraam (2/99) that: “Its chain is weak.” So
An-Nawawee’s statement in Al-Majmoo’ (5/5): “Its chain is good” is not correct. It looks as if he is relying on Abu
Dawood’s silence when grading it, but this doesn’t mean anything, because Abu Dawood would remain silent many
times about ahaadeeth of which their weakness was clear. This has been mentioned in Al-Mustalah and I have
explained it in my book Saheeh Sunan Abee Dawood.
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But in the case that it is not ample enough to accommodate them, and an Imaam leads
them in prayer in it, I dislike this for him. However, they do not have to repeat their
prayer. And if there occurs some excusable matter, such as rain and so on, I command
him to pray in the masaajid and to not go out to the open area of land.”
The ‘Allaamah, Ibn Al-Hajj, said in al-Madkhal (283): “The historical Sunnah with regard
to the two ‘Eid Prayers is that they be performed in the musallaa, because the Prophet
 said: ‘Prayer in this masjid of mine is better than one thousand prayers in any
other masjid, except for Al-Masjid Al-Haraam.’19 However, in spite of its great virtue,
he  went out to the musallaa and abandoned praying in this masjid. This is clear proof
of the strong status that going out to the musallaa for the ‘Eid Prayers holds. So
therefore, it is the Sunnah. And praying it in the masjid, according to the madh-hab of
Imaam Maalik is an innovation, unless there is a necessity that compels them to do that.
In this case it would not be an innovation.
This is since the Prophet  never did it, nor did any of the rightly-guided Khaleefahs
after him. And it is also because he  ordered the women to come out to the ‘Eid
Prayers. And he ordered the menstruating women and the young girls to go out to it
also. So one of them said to him: ‘O Messenger of Allaah! One of us doesn’t have
her jilbaab.’ So the Prophet  replied: ‘Let her sister cover her using her jilbaab, so
that they can witness the good and the supplication of the Muslims.’ So when the
Prophet  legislated for them to go out (to the musallaa), praying in the open area of
land also became legislated, in order to manifest one of the tenets of Islaam.”
So the Prophetic Sunnah, which has been mentioned in the authentic ahaadeeth
indicates that the Prophet  would perform the ‘Eid Prayers in the open area of land
outside of the city. This practice continued to be implemented in the first generation (of
Muslims after him), and they would not pray ‘Eid in the masaajid, unless there was a
necessity for it, such as due to rain and so on. This is the madh-hab (opinion) of the four
Imaams as well as other scholars, may Allaah be pleased with all of them.
I don’t know of anyone that opposes this, except perhaps the statement of Ash-
Shaafi’ee, may Allaah be pleased with him, where he prefers that ‘Eid be prayed in the
masjid if it is large enough to accommodate all of the people in the city. However, in
spite of this, he didn’t see anything wrong in praying in the open area of land, even if the
masjid could fit all of them. He, may Allaah be pleased with him, also asserted that he
detested performing the ‘Eid Prayers in the masjid if it was not large enough to
accommodate all of the attendees.
19 This hadeeth reaches the level of being mutawaatir. See Irwaa-ul-Ghaleel (no. 953) and Saheeh-ul-Jaami’ (no.
3732) [Zuhair]
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So these authentic ahaadeeth and other narrations, the Muslims of the first generation
persevering upon this practice, and the statements of the scholars – all of these provide
evidence that performing the ‘Eid Prayers in the masaajid is an innovation. We can even
derive this from the statement of Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee, since there doesn’t exist a
single masjid within our cities that is large enough to accommodate all of the people
who live in that city.
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Furthermore, there is great and profound wisdom behind this Sunnah – i.e. the Sunnah
of praying in an open area of land (i.e. the musallaa). And it is that: The Muslims will
have two days out of the year where all the people of every city can gather together –
whether men, women or children – and turn towards Allaah with their hearts in unity,
praying behind one Imaam, making the takbeer and the tahleel and supplicating to
Allaah sincerely together, as if they were united upon the heart of one man, happy and
joyous about the blessing Allaah has bestowed on them. So the ‘Eid will truly be an
occasion of celebration for them.
Allaah’s Messenger  ordered the women to go out to pray ‘Eid along with the people,
and he did not make an exception for any of them. This is even to the point that he
made no excuses for those women who did not have a garment by which they could veil
themselves when coming out, as instead he commanded them to borrow garments from
other women. And this is even to the point that he  commanded those women who
had a reason that prevented them from praying (i.e. menses) to go out to the musallaa,
so that they may “witness the good and the supplication of the Muslims.”
The Prophet , and then his Khaleefahs (successors) after him, and the delegated
leaders in the cities would lead the people in prayer. Then they would give them a
sermon saying that which would admonish them. And they would teach them what
would be of benefit to them in this world and in the Hereafter. And they would order
them to give in charity in that gathering. So the rich person would show affection
towards the poor person. And the poor would find joy in what Allaah has given them
from His Bounty during this blessed assembly, which Allaah’s Mercy and Contentment
descends upon.
So it is only proper for the Muslims to respond to following the Sunnah of their Prophet
and reviving the rites of their Religion, which is the point of their resolution and success.
“O you who believe! Respond to Allaah and to the Messenger when He calls you
to that which will revive you.” [Surah Al-Anfaal: 24]
Shaikh Waliyullaah Ad-Dihlawee said in Hujjatullaah-il-Baalighah under the heading
“The Two ‘Eids” (2/30-32):
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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“The foundation with regard to them is that every nation has a day in which they beautify
themselves and go out from their city with their adornment. This is a custom, which no
group amongst the Arabs and non-Arabs have stopped practicing. When the Prophet 
came to Madeenah, he found that the people had two days in which they would go out
and enjoy themselves, so he said: ‘Allaah has replaced these two days with
something that is better than them – the Day of Adhaa and the Day of Fitr.’20 It was
said that these two (prior) days of celebration were: An-Nayrooz and Al-Mahrajaan.
These two days were only replaced because there is no ‘Eid for a group of people
except that the reason for its existence is to elevate the rites of a Religion or to comply
with the founders of a particular way or something that resembles that. So the Prophet
feared that if he were to leave them with their custom, there would remain this elevating
of the rites of Jaahiliyyah (i.e. the Days of Ignorance) or the propagating of the (false)
ways of the ancestors. So he  replaced them with two days in which there was found
an elevating of the rites of the pure and upright Religion (of Islaam). And along with
adorning oneself for the occasion, he  included the remembrance of Allaah as well as
various acts of obedience, so that the gathering of the Muslims won’t just be for pure
play and enjoyment, and so that no gathering from them will be void of raising Allaah’s
The first of these two days is ‘Eid-ul-Fitr, the day when they end their fasting and give a
certain type of their Zakaat. So they experience this ‘natural joy’ that is caused by their
withdrawing from conditions that were difficult upon them (i.e. the fast). And the poor
person experiences joy at taking his charity.
The ‘intellectual joy’ they experience is due to the delight of knowing that Allaah has
blessed them with the ability to complete what He made obligatory upon them (i.e. the
The second is the day when Ibraaheem (intended to) sacrifice his son Ismaa’eel, may
Allaah be pleased with both of them. But Allaah blessed them both by replacing him
with the great sacrifice (i.e. a ram). This is since on this day, one can be reminded and
take heed of the condition of the ancestors of this noble and upright religion, by
sacrificing one’s soul and wealth in obeying Allaah, and having firm patience. In this,
there is a similarity to those performing Hajj, where one tries to emulate them and longs
to be in the state they are in. This is why it is legislated to make the Takbeer in it, which
is found in Allaah’s saying:
20 I say: Ahmad and others reported it with an authentic chain of narration. I have referenced it in as-Saheehah (no.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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‘And so that you may magnify Allaah (by making Takbeer) for having guided you
and so that you may be grateful.’ [Surah Al-Baqarah: 185; Surah Al-Hajj: 37]
This means: Give thanks to Him for granting you the ability to fast. This is why
performing the sacrifice and saying the takbeer out loud were legislated on the Days of
Minaa. And this is why it is recommended for those who intend to offer the sacrifice to
abandon shaving (the body hair).21 And this is also why the Prayer and the Khutbah
(sermon) were prescribed – so that no part of their gathering could be void of the
remembrance of Allaah and the elevating of the rites of the Religion.
Another objective from the objectives of the Pure Legislation is included in this, which is
that: Every nation must have some presentation, in which its people gather together
during it to display their strength and to show their numbers. This is why it is
recommended for everyone to go out (to the musallaa) – even the children, the women,
the young girls and the menstruating women. However, they (i.e. menstruating women)
must not join the musallaa (i.e. the prayer) but rather witness the supplication of the
And it is also why the Prophet  would vary in the roads he took when going and
coming from the musallaa, so that the people in each of the roads would see the
strength of the Muslims. And since the origin of ‘Eid was to decorate and adorn oneself,
it is recommended to wear one’s best garment, to enjoy oneself (taqlees),22 to take
different routes when going and coming and to go out to the musallaa.” [End Quote]
21 I say: He is indicating the Prophet’s statement: “When the Hilaal (crescent) for Dhul-Hijjah is sighted and one
of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he must refrain from cutting his hair and nails.” And in one narration:
“…then let him not cut any part of his hair or nails until he offers the sacrifice.” [See Mukhtasar Saheeh
Muslim (no. 1251) and others] I say: It is apparent from the hadeeth that anyone who is determined to perform the
sacrifice is obligated not to cut his hair and nails until he offers the sacrifice. So this type of cutting mentioned above
is forbidden. Imaam Ahmad and others held this view. So let those who are tested with shaving their beards take
note of this, for indeed, there are three sinful matters in their shaving of their beards for the day of ‘Eid:
First: The shaving itself, for it is a feminine trait, an imitation of the disbelievers, and an alteration of Allaah’s
creation, as I have explained in my book “Adaab az-Zafaaf fis-Sunnah al-Mutahharah (Sixth Edition, pg. 118).
Second: Adorning oneself for the day of ‘Eid by disobeying Allaah.
Third: What is derived from this hadeeth of the forbiddance of cutting the hair for the one who intends to offer the
sacrifice. In reality, there are very few people that are saved from committing this (sin), even some of the people of
knowledge (do it)! We ask Allaah to protect us.
22 Shaikh Ad-Dihlawee said in his footnote: “Taqlees (Enjoying oneself) means beating the duff and playing when
the kings arrive, in order to welcome them.” I say: He is indicating the hadeeth that has been reported by Ibn Maajah
(1/391) and others with two chains of narration. In one of them is Shareek, who is Ibn ‘Abdillaah Al-Qaadee – he
had bad memory. And in the other chain is found Abu Ishaaq, who is As-Subay’ee – he would mix up his narrations.
At-Tahaawee weakened it in his Mushkil-ul-Athaar (2/209-210) based on two angles, so refer to it if you wish.
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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You have come to know from what we explained previously that: Praying the two ‘Eids
in the musallaa is the Sunnah, and that this is an issue which the Imaams have
unanimously agreed on from the viewpoint of its implementation. There are many
benefits and wisdom to praying them in the musallaa, of which many of these cannot be
achieved if they are performed in the masaajid or the masjid. Due to this, the Muslims
should return to the Sunnah of their Prophet  and they should assist those who are
trying to revive this Sunnah in these lands, for indeed Allaah’s Hand is over the
Jamaa’ah (unified body) – the Jamaa’ah of the Sunnah not the Jamaa’ah that is in
opposition to it.
It is not befitting for someone with intellect to say: “Reviving this Sunnah will cause a
split in the Jamaa’ah (unified body) of Muslims. If the people are already praying it in the
masaajid in numerous congregations, then establishing it in the musallaa constitutes
separating away from their ranks and creating a new Jamaa’ah (group), which we are
not in need of. Rather we are in need of minimizing these Jamaa’aat (groups) and not
adding to them!”
So we say in reply to them:
It is not befitting for a Muslim of intellect to make such a statement. This is since it is
understood from his words that which one cannot imagine a believer would intend. This
is because what is meant by this statement is that implementing the Sunnah, which all
of the Imaams held the view of as we have explained, is the cause for the splitting of the
Muslims and dividing their Jamaa’ah (unified body)! Imagining something like this is
sufficient alone to nullify such a statement.
Rather, the reality, which we worship Allaah with, is that: There is no way to gather the
Muslims together and unify their ranks except in returning to the Sunnah, especially the
“implementation” aspect of it, which the Messenger of Allaah adhered to for the length
of his life and which he left his ummah and those after him upon.
If you want to see a good example of this, then take the one we are upon (today) of
praying in the musallaa.
The Muslims today, with regard to this prayer, have split up into numerous jamaa’aat
(congregations), in contradiction to the Sunnah, as has been stated previously. So when
we desire to unite them into one congregation, then there is no way possible for us to do
this unless we go out to the open area of land, which is ample enough to accommodate
all of those praying – both men and women. They can take this land as a musallaa,
wherein they can perform this great act of worship [the ‘Eid Prayer]. This is what the
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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Sunnah orders. So how can it be said after this: “Implementing this Sunnah will cause
division to the Jamaa’ah?!”
Yes. Indeed from the things in which there is no doubt is that reviving this Sunnah
requires the creation of a new jamaa’ah (congregation), which will be separate from
those other jamaa’aat (congregations) that are divided up in several masaajid. However,
since the goal of this new jamaa’ah is to gather together those other jamaa’aat into one
unified congregation, as the way it used to be during the time of Allaah’s Messenger 
and his rightly-guided Khaleefahs, there must exist this Jamaa’ah. This is since the one
unified Jamaa’ah will never be established in a single bound, and it will never be
established unless through them (i.e. those who break away and pray in the musallaa).
And from what has been agreed upon in the Usool (Fundamental Principles) is that:
Whatever is necessary for establishing the obligation becomes itself obligatory.
So this confirms the acknowledgement that there is a need for the presence of this
Jamaa’ah since it is the one that is upon the Sunnah. And its main objective is to
achieve this Jamaa’ah, according to the vastest of its meanings, contrary to those other
Perhaps someone will say: “Lets say many sincere people do answer the call of this
Jamaa’ah after the Sunnah is clarified to them. However, it is most likely that many
more people will continue to be divided up throughout the various masaajid, contrary to
the Sunnah and to all of the madhaahib. Because of this, the unified body of Muslims
(Jamaa’ah) that is desired will not be achieved!”
I say: The truth is that this is what will most likely happen. However, what is clear at this
point is that those who revive the Sunnah and call the people to it will not be held
accountable for that. On the contrary, the blame will fall on those who persist in
opposing this Sunnah. So the criticism only falls on them.
As for the first group, then their Jamaa’ah is what is legislated, because it is in
accordance with the Sunnah, which Allaah’s Messenger  was upon. The Prophet 
said when describing the Saved Sect:
“It is the Jamaa’ah.”
In another narration, he said: “It is that which I and my Companions are upon.” 23
23 I say: Its chain of narration is hasan (sound) due to other narrations. At-Tirmidhee reported it from Ibn ‘Amr and
declared it hasan. At-Tabaraanee and others reported it from Anas. It has been referenced along with the first
narration – which is authentic – in Silsilat-ul-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (no. 204)
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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So the opposition they face from their opponents does not harm them in the least, even
if they are more than them in number, due to the Prophet’s saying:
“There will not cease to be a group from my Ummah triumphant upon the truth.
They will not be harmed by those who abandon them until the Order of Allaah
comes and they are in that state.” 24
So the believer does not become disheartened by the little amount of people on the
paths of guidance nor does he feel hurt by the large amount of those in opposition.
Imaam Ash-Shaatibee said in al-‘Itisaam (1/12): “This is the Way of Allaah toward His
creation – that the People of Truth as compared the People of Falsehood are few in
number. This is based on Allaah’s saying:
‘And most of mankind will not believe even if you desire it eagerly.’ [Surah Yoosuf:
And His saying:
‘And few amongst My servants are grateful.’ [Surah Saba’: 13]
And it is also due to Allaah fulfilling the promise He made to His Prophet  that the
description of being a stranger will return to it.25 Strangeness does not come about
except with the loss or decrease of people (upon that way). This will be at the time when
the good becomes evil and the evil becomes good, and when the Sunnah becomes
innovation and the innovation becomes the Sunnah. So the People of the Sunnah will
be met with blame and rebuke,26 just as it was in the beginning for the People of
24 This is an authentic mutawaatir hadeeth, which I have referenced in the afore-mentioned source. Also see my
abridgement to Saheeh Muslim (no. 1095) and Saheeh al-Jaami’-us-Sagheer (no. 7166)
25 Meaning: “…to Islaam.” He is alluding to the hadeeth of the Prophet: “Islaam began strange and it will return
to being strange as it began. So Toobaa is for the Strangers.” Reported by Muslim and others, and I have
referenced it in as-Saheehah (no. 1273)
26 This is as the authors of the treatise Al-Isaabah did to us, for after asserting their instability with regard to their
view on “Praying ‘Eid in an Open Area of Land“, as has been stated previously, they went on to say: “There did not
cease to exist amongst the Muslims those who preserved the prayers and the commands of their Religion and Prayer.
But then there rose a small gang, which rejected them and split up the Jamaa’ah.” So look at how they made calling
Praying ‘Eid in the Musallaa is the Sunnah
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Innovation, since the innovator hoped that the ranks of the deviants would unite. But
Allaah refused that their ranks unite until the Day of Judgement. So all of the deviant
groups will never unite – regardless of their large numbers – in opposing the Sunnah –
whether in its practice or its being conveyed. On the contrary, the Jamaa’ah of Ahlus-
Sunnah will always remain firm and established until the Order of Allaah comes.
However, due to the large amount of attacks the Deviant Sects wage against them and
due to their showing of intense enmity and hatred for them – all because they called
them to agree with them – they will not cease in their Jihaad (Striving), disagreeing,
defending and fighting, day and night. Because of this, Allaah will multiply their reward
enormously and will recompense them with the greatest of gifts.”
I ask Allaah that He make us firm upon the Sunnah and that He allow us to die while on
it. This is the last of what I was able to gather in this short time, thus all praise is due to
Allaah, Lord of the Worlds.
[End of Treatise]
to the Sunnah into splitting the Jamaa’ah! How truthful was the one who said: “It flung its disease on me and then
snuck away.”

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