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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rubbi ul Aakhir 1431 A.H.

Bismillah hir Rehmahn ul Raheem.
Rubbi ul Aakhir 1431 A.H.
The first day of Rubbi ul Aakhir 1431 A.H. will be Wednesday March 17, 2010 for many countries in the Americas, Europe, North Africa and North Western Asia. It will be the next day in rest of the Eastern Asia.
Ruyah Helahl ul Ahlumee. ( Moonsighting Worldwide)
In order to give very accurate information about Ruyah Helal worldwide, the Muslim learned, intellectuals, scholars and astronomers, have organized, since last many many years, to give the most accurate forecast of the date of imminent new Lunar month from the Ulmanukh (Almanac), and then back it up with the Shahahdah of actual non sighting or sighting of Helaal, every month, yes, every month, from dedicated, competent, experienced, knowledgeable and trustworthy members of the Ummah right across the world, through their websites as shown below. What a wonderful facility for the world Ummah?

Sighting possibility for Rubbi ul Aakhir 1431 A.H. Helaal
The following is the forecast of Helaal sighting possibility in Makkah and in different parts of the world as given by H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, an associate of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. S.E. London. Reproduced here with their kind permission.
The following is an accurate forecast for Makkah. Times are in Standard Time = GMT + 03h 00
Moon at Sunset Time of
Sunset Age of moon Alt El Moonset Lag time Moon status.
Day Date h m h m o o h m m
Tues Mar 16 18 30 18 29 7 10 19 04 34 Will need optical aid to see the Helal.
Wed Mar 17 18 31 42 30 18 21 19 55 85 Readily visible.
Altitude (Alt) is the angle of moon's separation from the Earth's surface (minimum required: 6 deg). Elongation (El) is the angle of moon's separation from the Sun (minimum required: 10 deg).
Lag time, is time it will take moon to set after sunset. Age of moon (minimum required is around 18 hours).

The Conjunction i.e. alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth is on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 21-01 GMT. The moon will not become luminous and visible on this day, anywhere in the world. On Tuesday March 16, 2010, it will be visible in many countries in Americas, Europe, North Africa and with optical help in North Western Asia.
The Muslim Ummah are urged to get into the habit of relying on the most authentic Shahahdah obtained through the websites mentioned below, besides trying to see the Helaal locally, thus show obedience to Allah's edict "Walah taferruqoo". Those living in the Northern areas of the world should embrace the Shahahdah of observation from the Southern areas and those living in the Southern areas of the world from the North, as it happens, that the Helal may be seen in the North for a few months and then in the South in other months.
The Shahahdah from across the world will be available to see on: and
O' Believers, the Shahahdah as received from across the world, are the Commands of Lord Almighty. So obey the Lord (swt) alone and do not ever bring any man in between you and the Lord except the Prophet (saw).

Muslims are their own enemy By Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury USA.

Why are the winners, losers today?
Some 1400 years ago when some very very weird Arabs, brought about a welcome change in their habits in response to the Divine Guidance they accepted and forged an enviable unity through their Jameeyah and Shoorah, they became so popular that their peaceful revolution took the Arab nation and many nations beyond, by storm, in a very short time. Thus they became winners. Winners of hearts and minds. Their humble and gentle behaviour, Udl and Ehsaan in their deeds became winners of peoples’ hearts. Those few hundred Muslims showing unquestionable loyalty to Allah, came together to establish the Authority of Allah, in the form of the first Islamic state. They rallied round no man, but Allah alone thus became Ummah Wahidah. Each and every one of them came together to shoulder the responsibility, every Muslim is under obligation to fulfil i.e. the creation an Islamic state . Those early Muslims organised their Peoples’ Jameeyah and Shoorah in Musjid ul Nabee, to manage the affairs of their lands and to come out to do all the good work for all.
Today, we are in millions yet. Yah husrut ulul ebad, not a single Islamic state? Why? Because we today, are Ummah motaferraqah. We rally not round Allah, we rally round our different Idols (Leaders, Ameers, Imaams etc.) and hence do nothing to fulfil our collective obligation to create and manage an Islamic state. Whereas those early Muslims organised Peoples’ Jameeyah and Shoorah in Musjid ul Nabee, we have never bothered to organise any in any of those thousands of mosques on our lands stretching from Indonesia to Morocco. Peoples’ Jameeyah and Shoorah in mosques is a testimony to the existence of a Muslim society-- a caring and responsible society.
Allowing one man to become all powerful is a historically proven, dangerous, reckless, thoughtless and suicidal folly. Many many nations have paid a heavy price for such a folly and the so called Muslims have endured and are enduring monumental catastrophes due to such a folly. On the Day of Judgement no soul shall carry the burden of another soul, so the burden of creating, maintaining and managing an Islamic state is that of each and everyone who recites the Kalimah.
Allah has never changed the condition of a nation which is not prepared to come out to work for that welcome change. Allah will never change the condition of a nation which keeps on rejecting a most sacred and most beneficial Divine invitation. The invitation to become Ummah Wahidah, which is “Wahtusaymoo........Jameeyah”. The one time winners, shall remain losers for as long as each and every one of them keeps on refusing to come out to organise Peoples’ Jameeyah and Shoorah in every nook and corner of their lands.
To please Lord Almighty(swt), very kindly propagate this Truth far and wide and everywhere. If you are Helal observer, very kindly let me have the result of Helal search promptly. If you receive this message more than once in a month, very kindly, do let me know. JazahkAllah khairun wa shukrun. Your most sincere, truthful and humble well wisher. S.H.Wasty.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lawsuit by Moroccan-American Muslim Accuses Police of Bias in Hiring

As the New York Police Department has initiated and expanded counterterrorism efforts in foreign countries over the last several years, it has also aggressively tried to recruit speakers of Arabic and other languages of countries where Islam holds sway.
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Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times
Said Hajem says that a police officer reviewing his application told him, “You may be a terrorist.”
But a Moroccan immigrant who applied to become a police officer as a result of those efforts is suing the department, charging that he was not hired because he was a Muslim and was born outside the United States.
Lawyers for the city filed a motion asking that his claim be dismissed, but on Jan. 29, Judge Richard J. Sullivan of United States District Court in Manhattan ruled that there was enough evidence for the suit to proceed.
The immigrant, Said Hajem, took the police exam in February 2006 and said he scored 85.6, well above the passing grade. That June he received a letter of congratulations from Commissioner
Raymond W. Kelly and began preparing to enter the Police Academy. Mr. Hajem said he had even decided to delay his wedding, hoping to get married as a police officer.
“I started dreaming of becoming one of the Finest,” Mr. Hajem, 39, said last month, as he sat in his lawyer’s office on lower Broadway, “an important person who is going to save lives and stop terrorism.”
Now those hopes seem remote. It has been four years since Mr. Hajem passed the exam, but his application has been suspended in bureaucratic limbo.
Mr. Hajem, who said he became an American citizen in early 2006, said the hiring process faltered for him in July 2006 when an officer reviewing his paperwork, Ricardo Ramkissoon, told him that he disapproved of people from “other countries” joining the department.
Mr. Hajem added that Officer Ramkissoon had also rejected references he had provided from people with Middle Eastern names. “He told me, ‘I need American names,’ ” Mr. Hajem said. “He said, ‘You may be a terrorist.’ ”
Mr. Hajem’s lawsuit said he had been subjected to discrimination that violated his constitutional rights.
In response, a lawyer for the city, Jessica Miller of the Law Department, said in a statement: “We expect to prevail at trial.”
Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, declined to specifically address the statements that Mr. Hajem attributed to Officer Ramkissoon, but said in an e-mail message that “the allegations fly in the face of the
N.Y.P.D.’s well-established record of outreach and hiring” of recruits from countries like Turkey, Bangladesh and Pakistan, which all are mainly Muslim nations.
“We have actively and successfully recruited native speakers of Urdu, Farsi, Arabic, Pashto and other languages,” Mr. Browne wrote. “Our linguist program is the envy of law enforcement worldwide.”
Mr. Hajem’s lawyer, David B. Rankin, did not contest the department’s claims of diversity. He contended, however, that Officer Ramkissoon had sabotaged Mr. Hajem’s application by giving misleading and false information to superiors.
On a department form dated July 2006, Officer Ramkissoon presented several reasons not to hire Mr. Hajem, including that he had not disclosed a summons received while he was working as a livery driver, and that he had engaged in “tax evasion” from 2001 to 2005.
In court papers, Mr. Hajem included
Internal Revenue Service documents; he said that he had earlier provided them to Officer Ramkissoon and that they showed he had paid the proper amounts in taxes.
And Mr. Hajem said the summons, issued for picking up a passenger who hailed him from the sidewalk, was dismissed when he went to court.
Officer Ramkissoon did not respond to a request for comment.